Is Acupuncture safe?
When carried out by a fully trained practitioner acupuncture is safe.
The results of two independent surveys published in the British Medical Journal concluded that the risk of serious adverse reaction to acupuncture is less than 1 in 10,000. The needles used are single use, disposal and sterile.
Responses to treatment can sometimes include tiredness or mild dizziness. Occasionally minor bruising can occur. However, all such reactions are short-lived. Acupuncture is commonly used during pregnancy as a natural, safe treatment often reducing the need for other forms of medication.
Reference: Macpherson et al, White et al both BMJ September 2001
When carried out by a fully trained practitioner acupuncture is safe.
The results of two independent surveys published in the British Medical Journal concluded that the risk of serious adverse reaction to acupuncture is less than 1 in 10,000. The needles used are single use, disposal and sterile.
Responses to treatment can sometimes include tiredness or mild dizziness. Occasionally minor bruising can occur. However, all such reactions are short-lived. Acupuncture is commonly used during pregnancy as a natural, safe treatment often reducing the need for other forms of medication.
Reference: Macpherson et al, White et al both BMJ September 2001